Engineering & Design
Engineering solutions
to help your business
Water Treatment Specialists
Waste water
Water minimisation
Water recycling
Water reuse
Energy input
Odour reduction
Sludge conditioning
Water treatment
At GV Soluciones we have worked in different industrial sectors to study, design and manage solutions that allow us to manage the water cycle in a more efficient and cleaner way.
We not only work with the industrial sector, we have also developed and managed projects in the residential sector for housing developments or buildings, as well as municipal projects for the design, construction or improvement of water treatment plants.
We have also carried out projects in commercial ports and marinas, allowing the reuse of used water and improving the quality of effluents so that they can be discharged into the sea.
Our solutions have been implemented on five continents, so if you need an engineering company specialising in water treatment to help you solve water treatment problems, wherever you are from, we can help you.
Waste treatment
The treatment of industrial waste can be a headache for many companies. That is why at GV Soluciones we want to help you in a process that can be complex, through our experience in this type of problem. These projects require specific knowledge and studies for each of them, depending on the type of waste.
If you need help to treat or minimise your company’s waste, or for urban or port projects, do not hesitate to contact us.
Energy area
Reducing the environmental impact and associated costs of generating energy for use in companies, institutions or residential complexes has become a priority.
Taking into account our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, we offer companies our knowledge and experience in this field to fight against climate change.
At GV Soluciones we are committed to the generation of Clean and Sustainable Energy, to facilitate or improve the energy transition in any sector.
Atmospheric emissions
Emissions into the atmosphere from the industrial sector are one of the most important sources of pollution and are therefore heavily regulated. At GV Soluciones we understand that projects to improve these emissions are necessary to reduce the environmental impact of human activity.
As in the previous fields, we have experience in the development and management of emission projects both in terms of controlling harmful components released into the atmosphere and odour control.
Sectors in which we have undertaken engineering projects
Do you need an engineering company?
Whether in these sectors or others, at GV Soluciones we want to help you.